Nurturing young children right from when they're toddlers is quite imperative! The 31st of January is dedicated to all the pre schoolers and encourages parents and schools to foster healthy eating habits and get the right education at the right time. Keeping the little ones active and moving helps them to grow as better individuals in their later years. Getting medical checks done at the right time helps them to grow as better young adults. There is a school of thought that says sending children to play homes at a young age is detrimental, but the flip side is that it is very much required in today's time. If both parents are at work, children are better cared at good play homes as they are equipped with skills and make friends, instead of being holed at home and glued to mindless television binge or using the mobile. Let us give our toddlers a good head start and enroll them at a Montessori, like the ones at St. Sophia Group Of Institutions.