SAMARTH BHARATH, SAKSHAM SENA; profound words that whip up patriotism in us.! ARMY DAY was celebrated in Pune to mark the 77th Army Day with a spectacular sound and light show in Pune and New Delhi. This year showcased the might of NCC girl Cadets along with a thematic tableaux,
aptly named
'GAURAV GATHA.' The parade drew inspiration from our epics and also the present-day modern warfare. From using Mules to traverse the rough terrain to the new robotic Mules. Interestingly, our defense minister, Shri Rajnath Singh, laid a foundation and unveiled army paralypmic node virtually. This day annually recalls the valor and sacrifices made by our brave hearts and the transfer of power from the Britishers to us.
Furthermore, this is the right time to remember the first commander-in-chief who was the Lieutenant General K.M. KARIAPPA, son of our state; Karnataka. It's a proud fact to say that he was one of the 2 recipients of the title FIELD MARSHAL after SAM MANEKSHAW. For us to be safe and sound and leading happy, normal lives, all kudos to our Army, who are our brave frontiers, guarding our nation, 24/7, 365 days. Huge respects and salutations to our armed forces. JAI HIND.